Thursday 10 January 2013

In which I talk about finding a mistake in a knitting pattern and discovering that a designer is not only brilliant but a lovely person as well

My Kenzo, paused

After rushing like crazy to increase the chances of finishing Kenzo for my birthday later this month, I suddenly had to put it on hold. I discovered a mistake in the instructions. At first, I decided to give the instructions a try in spite of doubts. This sweater has a very unusual construction and the schematic didn't quite capture the shape of the section where I hit the snag - the final rows of the upper back. One of the pattern photos shows a portion of the back from the side, but I'd need a picture of the whole back to - maybe - grasp what I was making.

I retried it two more times, fiddling with the instructions, but nothing came of it.

So I messaged the designer, Olga Buraya-Kefelian, on Ravelry. I used to be shy about such messages. I mean, I honestly don't expect designers to have their patterns memorized like songs, but I thought that maybe some notes might have gotten jumbled in editing and she might be able to help.

It turned out a little more complicated than that. What's important, though, is that Olga sent me a really lovely reply and gave me the contact info for people at Brooklyn Tweed who could help me resolve the problem.

I got a reply from BT pretty quickly (thanks!). There is indeed a mistake in that section, so I'm looking forward to that getting resolved. I'll keep you posted here, on my project page. For now, Kenzo's waiting tucked away in a bag.

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